How to use grok?

Join the waitlist

"Exciting times are on the horizon! Grok, xAI's flagship creation, is preparing to provide a sneak peek to a select group of users in the United States for prototype testing. This presents a unique opportunity for individuals to experience Grok firsthand and offer invaluable feedback to help shape its development.

Grok, the AI companion of the future, is designed to offer boundless knowledge and endless entertainment. However, prior to its official release, the Grok team is seeking assistance. User feedback is crucial in refining Grok's capabilities to ensure it caters to a wide range of needs and expectations.

For users in the United States, joining the Grok waitlist allows the chance to be among the first to experience this prototype. Let's embark on a journey to explore Grok's limitless potential and open a new chapter of knowledge together."

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